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The Board of Directors of Peterborough Diocese Education Trust is the overall governance body and is accountable for theTrust. Local governing bodies, who are called Academy Governance Committees (AGCs), are committees to which the Directors have chosen to delegate some specific responsibilities. AGCs engage with their local community and carry out the following role.

Vision and Values

To monitor and support the academy in:

  • pursuance of the Trust’s vision of ‘working together for each child to realise their God given potential to flourish’;
  • setting an academy specific vision and values, aligned with the Trust’s and Church of England’s vision; and
  • ‘living out’ its specific vision and values.

Meet the AGC Governors

Mrs Kerry Tear - SEN governor, Chair of Governors

Mrs Shirley Wong - Clerk

Mrs Rebecca Osborne - Executive Head Teacher

Mrs Natasha Winsor - Parent governor

Mrs Sam Mead - Community governor, Safeguarding

Rev James Howson - Church governor

Mr Raph Brown - Staff governor

Mrs Nicola Stutters – Head of School

For details of what the Academy Governance Committee do, see Information - Governance.

The AGC meets at least once each term. 



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