Phone : 01604 761469

Thankfulness       Peace       Respect       Wisdom       Hope       Community

At Collingtree we have six values; one for each half term which link directly to our school vision. These are taken from the Christian values and underpin every aspect of school life. Each of our Christian Values is talked about in class, in Collective Worship and used in prayer throughout our school and we all work collectively to create a display, which changes according to the value we are focussing on.

We start our school year in the Autumn Term with Thankfulness – this is a good time to give thanks for having our school; as we come back into a new academic year. We are also thankful for the harvest; which we often celebrate through a church service at St. Columba.

For the second half of the Autumn Term our virtue is Peace – this links well with Remembrance Day, when we have a service in church and often the children create some wonderful artwork. Peace also takes us up to Christmas time and we celebrate with plays, nativity scenes and a carol service.

For the beginning of the Spring Term and the New Year our virtue is Respect – we think of how to value and respect ourselves and others in our school, home, church, community and the world.

The second half of the Spring Term is Wisdom – we use what we have learnt through the year to make the right choices, to learn from others and to reach our goals.

The Summer Term starts with the first half virtue as Hope – we think about what we have in front of us as we come to the end of the academic year; some children are planning to move onto Secondary school and we reflect on the importance of having Hope in our lives. The trees are green and the flowers are blooming and we can look forward with positivity.

The end of our year and the last half of the Summer Term we finish with our virtue Community – we reflect on us as a school community and the importance of the relationships around us; with the church, the village, our families and our wider community.


Upcoming Events

23 Oct
Swimming lessons - Hawthorn class
Date Wed, 23 Oct 2024 2:00 pm - 3:00 pm
23 Oct
Parents Evening
Wed, 23 Oct 2024 3:45 pm - 6:00 pm
24 Oct
Ukulele lessons - Field Maples class
Thu, 24 Oct 2024 9:15 am - 10:15 am
24 Oct
Parents Evening
Thu, 24 Oct 2024 4:50 pm - 7:00 pm
25 Oct