Welcome to Hawthorn Class...
In the summer term our learning theme will be 'Feast from the EAst'. We will be finding out about the Shang Dynasty in Ancient China and then learning all about modern day China and comparing to where we live.
You can read our curriculum newsletter which can be found on the newsletter page of this website.
Some of the key texts we will be using this term to support your child's learning are:
Our focus author for the summer term is Geraldine McCaughrean and our core text is 'Kite Rider'. Other books available to borrow by this author:
In our school we follow the White Rose Hub scheme for maths. Here is the curriculum content for Hawthorn class this year:
Title | Download |
pdf White Rose Hub Hawthorn Maths 2020 2021 | Download Preview |
Hawthorn Class Long Term Map
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