Religious Education
At our school we follow the Peterborough Diocese Agreed Syllabus and the Understanding Christianity scheme of work.
Peterborough Diocese is home to many diverse and active faith communities, as well as people who approach life with a non-religious worldview. Understanding the beliefs and views of others is so important, if we are to be a welcoming place where all are accepted and valued. The Church across the diocese continues to nurture and encourage those from all backgrounds to find faith and nurture that faith, so it becomes lived out and a blessing to all.
The diocesan syllabus for RE will encourage children and young people in schools to examine their own beliefs and worldviews and the rationale for them more closely, as they engage in meaningful learning and reflection about those different to their own, and so also become more empathetic. The syllabus is a vehicle through which we can, together, build more respectful and cohesive communities where all can live and work together in harmony.