At our school we use the White Rose scheme of learning to plan and teach our progressive maths curriculum. We use a range of resources to support children in developing fluency, reasoning and problem-solving.
Our teachers use a concrete, pictorial and abstract approach (CPA) which enables children to learn maths through the use of practical equipment, images and written recorded methods.
In our school we aim for all children to be confident and capable in maths before moving on to secondary school. Every day, our children start their maths lesson with daily counting, their daily dashboard which includes remembering key learning from previous lessons, rehearsing arithmetic facts and embedding our chosen maths facts.
You can see a copy of our whole school maths facts overview and whole school arithmetic below.
Each half term, children in years 1 to 6 are tested in arithmetic knowledge which is then tracked to check for progress over time. Alongside this, children in all year groups are tested each half to see if they know their key maths facts. We would encourage all children to regularly take time to learn their maths facts each week at home with a parent or carer.
All children from years 2 to 6 have an individual log in for Time Table Rock Stars (TTRS) please click here to access the website and log in:
We would encourage all children in these year groups to log in at least 3 times each week to help them learn their times tables and division facts.
All children from Reception to year 3 have an individual log in Numbots which supports children in learning key mathematical knowledge in the early years, key stage 1 and lower key stage 2. Please click here to access the website and log in:
We encourage all children in these year groups to log in at least 3 times each week.
Problem solving and reasoning
We weave problem solving and reasoning throughout our maths curriculum for all year groups.
We use resources from Whiterose Hub, I See Maths and Nrich to support the teaching of problem solving and reasoning.
We encourage all children to become 'creators' in maths and extend their knowledge and thinking through the use of extension activities and dedicated part of each maths lesson to develop their maths oracy skills.
Parent workshops
Every year we run parent workshops for maths. Please see the slides below from our online and face to face workshops from this year below.
EYFS KS1 Maths
download_for_offlineEYFS KS1 Maths
- KS2 maths for parents download_for_offline
download_for_offlineKS2 maths for parents
- Maths face to face workshop for parents February 2025 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineMaths face to face workshop for parents February 2025
- Maths facts overview wholeschool download_for_offline
download_for_offlineMaths facts overview wholeschool
- Trust Arithmetic Progression Y1-6 download_for_offline
download_for_offlineTrust Arithmetic Progression Y1-6
Peterborough Diocese Education Trust
PDET is a family of Church of England Schools across Northamptonshire, Peterborough and Rutland.
Visit Site - KS2 maths for parents download_for_offline