Collingtree CofE Primary School

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Field Maples Class - Years 2 and 3

Welcome to Field Maples Class

In Field Maples class, you will find our Year 2 and 3 children working hard with Mrs Stutters, Mrs Woodhams, Mrs Holton and Miss Graham.

You can find our curriculum newsletter on the newsletter page of this website.


In years 2 and 3 we continue to develop children's phonic knowledge through reading and spelling. In years 2 and 3 we further develop the love of reading through using individual colour banded reading books, guided reading and listening to high quality texts read by adults every day.

Our reading overview:

Reading curriculum overview all year groups


 Maths Facts - year 2 and year 3

Autumn 1:

Year 2: Know number bonds to 20. Use bridging and compensation for addition to 10+10

Year 3: Know number bonds for all numbers to 50. Count in 50s and 100s. 


Autumn 2:

Year 2:  Know doubles and halves of numbers to 20. Add and subtract 10 to any number up to 100. 

Year 3:  Count in 3s. Know multiplication and division facts for the 3x table (up to 12 x 3) 


Spring 1:

Year 2:  Count in 2s. Know multiplication and division facts for the 2x table (up to 12 x 2) 

Year 3: Count in 4s. Know multiplication and division facts for the 4x table (up to 12 x 4) 


Spring 2:

Year 2:  Count in 10s. Know the multiplication and division facts for 10x table (up to 12 x 10) 

Year 3:  Count in 8s.  Know the multiplication and division facts for the 8s table (up to 12 x 8) 


Summer 1:

Year 2:  Count in 5s. Know the multiplication and division facts for 5x table (up to 12 x 5) 

Year 3:  Count up and down in tenthsRecognise tenths are part of a whole. 


Summer 2:

Year 2:  Count in 3s to 30 

Year 3:  Know there are 60 minutes in an hour, 60 seconds in a minute, 24 hours in a day, days in a month and year (including a leap year) 


Whole school maths facts overview:

Maths facts whole school overview

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