Collingtree CofE Primary School

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Collective Worship

Collective Worship in School

Our focus in collective worship this term is linked to our value of 'Thankfulness'.

On a Monday, collective worship is led by Mrs Plows or our vicar Rev.James and is focussed on our school values and how we live them out.

On a Tuesday, collective worship is led by Mrs Farmer (our specialist music teacher) and we learn to sing together and use music to develop our sense of spirituality.

On a Wednesday, collective worship is led by Mrs Woodhams and uses resources from the Diocese of Guilford. At the beginning of a new term and a brand new year, we begin a new series of themes, reflecting on the life and writings of King David, who contributed much of the content of the book of Psalms in the Bible. We are using the title ‘Songs from the heart’, because this is exactly what the Psalms were: heartfelt expressions of joy, sadness, frustration, hope and longing, giving voice to experiences and emotions that pupils of all faiths and none can relate to.

On a Thursday, collective worship is led by Mr Murray using the Picture News resources which also link to the British Values and Protected Characteristics.

On a Friday, collective worship is led by Mrs Stutters and focusses on a celebration of our learning and achievements from our community. All children are welcome to bring in awards and celebrations from activities outside of school to share with everyone.

What does a typical worship look like in our school?

Trinitarian candles are lit to signify the coming together of everyone for worship.

Music to played on entry – Song linked to Spirituality/value. Children to stand and sing – leader signal when to sit.

Good morning with trinitatiran gathering words and opening verse.

Introduce theme for worship and link to previous worship in the term.

Main content.

Reflection – children and staff given quiet time in thought. Wednesday and Thursday – Collingtree Collective collect responses from children and staff to keep in our reflection floor book.

Prayer – Delivered by Collingtree Collective.

Morning Music played on exit.

We include prayers and reflection as part of our collective worship which are always invitational. Please also see our collective worship policy for further details.



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