Collingtree CofE Primary School

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Acorns Class - Reception/Year 1

Welcome to Acorns Class

Acorn class share this building with the children who attend Collingtree Day Nursery (children can attend here from 2 years old and their website is:

Collingtree Day Nursery

The learning environment for the children consists of the main classroom, conservatory (for messy learning) and our wonderful outdoor learning space.

Mrs Plows is the class teacher and she is supported by Mrs Collinson and Mrs Cox.

Please see our curriculum newsletter in the newsletter section of the website.

Phonics and Reading

At our school we follow the Little Wandle scheme for phonics. You can find out more about this on our dedicated phonics page on this website. We ask that parents hear their child read everyday to help their child get off to a strong start.

Our reading overview:

Reading curriculum overview all year groups

Maths Facts - Reception and year 1

Here are the key maths facts that we expect all children to know by the end of each term:

Autumn 1: 

Reception - Name numbers in order to 10 and compare 2 amounts by saying which is more or less 

Year 1 - Count to 100. Add 0 or 1 to a number. Add 2 to a number. 


Autumn 2:

Reception - Recognise quantities without counting up to 5 (subitise) 

Year 1 - Know number bonds to 10 including partitioning facts. 


Spring 1:

Reception - Say 1 more than a given number up to 10 

Year 1 - Count in 10s. Identify numbers in the 10x table. 


Spring 2:

Reception - Partition numbers to 5 into 2 groups 

Year 1 - Count in 2s. Identify numbers in the 2x table. Recognise odd and even numbers. 


Summer 1:

Reception - Recall number bonds of numbers 0-10Know some odd and even numbers to 10.

Year 1 - Count in 5s. Identify numbers in the 5x table. 


Summer 2:

Reception - Recite number names in order to 20Recall doubles facts up to 5+5 

Year 1 - Know doubles and halves of numbers to 10. Know near doubles to 5. 


Whole school maths facts overview:

Maths facts whole school overview

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